
最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 is an equity-minded learning community dedicated to enriching students’ academic, personal, 和 professional lives through an array of degree 和 certificate programs, campus engagement, 和 customized student support.


Every student at 最靠谱的十大棋牌游戏 is welcomed into a safe 和 dynamic learning 社区:

  • 肯定他们和他们的经历,
  • creates conditions for empowerment, critical thinking, 和 informed civic engagement, 和
  • provides the support needed to meet their personal, academic, 和 career aspirations.


学术 excellence is at the heart of what we hope to achieve as educators. 学术 excellence is creating an 环境 whereby a student can excel in scholastic activities, demonstrate superior learning, 和 develop intellectual capacities 和 skills that 为他们为社区服务做好准备.  道德行为是个人的,机构的, 以及社会责任. 学术诚信包括诚实、负责和勤勉 对学术和学术活动都持开放态度.

The act of opposing racism 和 white supremacy in all forms--in our society, other people, 和 even the racism that exists within ourselves 和 in the ways we perpetuate 种族主义与我们的行为. 它是十大靠谱棋牌游戏找出种族主义的根源并结束它 普拉特研究所,n.n.d.).

Anti-Racist: one who is supporting an antiracist policy (see below) through actions 或表达反种族主义的想法(Kendi, 2019, p. 13)

Anti-Racist Policy: a proposed/adopted policy geared toward reducing racial inequities 创造平等的机会(Kendi, 2019, p. 32)

We value student-centered 和 student-first attitudes, processes, 政策, 和 culture 这将导致以学生为先的决策. 通过放置不断变化的需求 educational goals of our student population at the heart of our decision-making, the college is committed to not only student-first but a student-inclusive governance 环境.

The “ability to maintain an interpersonal stance that is other-oriented (open to the other) in relation to aspects of cultural identity that are most important to the (人).胡克等人.(2013)和Tervalon和Murray-Garcia(1998)(引自沃特斯) & Asbill, 2013).


  1. 终身致力于自我评价和自我批评. 我们从来没有到达一个点 where we are done learning, so we must be humble 和 flexible, bold enough to look 批判地审视自己,渴望学习更多. 对承认采取行动的意愿 我们没有也不会到达终点线,这一点是不可或缺的. 的理解是 只有紧随其后的行动才有力量.
  2. 渴望解决不应该存在的权力失衡. 认识到每个人 brings something different to the proverbial table of life helps us see the value 每个人的.
  3. Aspiring to develop partnerships with people 和 groups who advocate for others. 虽然 individuals can create positive change, communities 和 groups can also have a profound 对系统的影响. 我们不能单独致力于自我评价和固定权力 imbalances without advocating within the larger organizations in which we participate.

Cultural humility, by definition, is larger than our individual selves—we must advocate 系统地.


  1. 人权: 一个公正的社会保护和尊重每个人的人权.
  2. 访问: access to essentials like shelter, food, 和 education is crucial; when access is restricted based on factors like gender, race, or class, it leads to suffering for 个人、社区和整个社会. 社会正义活动家致力于 increase 和 restore access, giving everyone equal opportunities for a good life.
  3. 参与: social justice isn’t possible if only some voices are heard, though the voices of 边缘化和弱势群体往往被噤声. 即使社会试图解决 problems, solutions won’t work if those most affected can’t participate in the process. 参与 must be encouraged 和 rewarded so that everyone – especially those 谁以前没有机会说话.
  4. 股本: “equity” (not “equality”) takes into account the effects of discrimination 和 aims 为了得到相同的结果. 种族不平等是最常见的社会不公之一 世界问题. 它会影响一个种族群体找工作,获得准入的能力 医疗保健,并接受平等的教育.) (http://www.humanrightscareers.com/issues/what-does-social-justice-mean/)

Freedom of expression is a fundamental human right for every person around the world. All people have the right to hold their own opinions, 和 the right to seek, receive, 分享信息和想法.

自省 - the process of looking inward at yourself, underst和ing your motivations, strengths, 弱点和诱因.

反射 - the habit of deliberately paying attention to your one’s own thoughts, emotions, 决策和行为.

Pedagogy that acknowledges, responds to, 和 celebrates diverse cultures 和 that offers full, equitable access to education for students from all cultures. 它认可 the importance of including students' cultural references in all aspects of learning. (Ladson-Billings, 1994).


  1. 在文化背景下学习
  2. 以学生为中心教学
  3. Culturally-mediated指令
  4. 重塑课程
  5. 教师作为促进者

By centering the identities 和 lived experiences of the members of our campus community, 我们正在超越数据点来确认他们是谁. 我们在听他们告诉我们 他们的真相和现实. 我们不仅会用它来指导我们的实践,而且 政策. By centering them in this way it positions us to be a responsive, equity focused, 和 a relevant institution that aids in the capacity-building of our students.

Deep learning is personal, characterized by student agency, connections to self 和 intercultural identity, the development of skills, knowledge, self-confidence, 和 问询自我效能. 它是十大靠谱棋牌游戏人际关系和人类渴望联系的 与他人一起做好事. Fullan等人. (引自Crowley, 2018)


  • Create learning driven by curiosity where “learners are infiltrators 和 shapers of the future” by working on real issues of relevance to themselves 和 the world.
  • Teach students to be problem designers, shifting from thinking of opinions of “what 是“思考的建议”可能是什么.”
  • Pose problems in which students can be involved, not just asked to solve.
  • 为寻找新的歧义的解决方案提供机会.
  • Foster living as a perpetual amateur where learning is about taking risks 和 is a 一生的风险.
  • Believe students will exceed all our expectations—where we teach them not to be scared (对未知的)而不是好奇.
  • Recognize that innovation 和 creativity are innate to every human being.

The college values the exchange of ideas 和 lively debate that will allow students, faculty, 和 staff to come together in an engaged 和 informed conversation. 转型 problem solving looks at issues from multiple perspectives 和 provides space for the acknowledgment of the past 和 envisioning of the future as a necessary ingredient 为了重构现在. 它需要倾听,建立信任, 不要急于做出判断,并进行艰难的对话.